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(CP35278) A Grade Office Spaces for Rent

Colombo 5
15000 sq.ft.
Rs. 417
Per Sq. Ft.


Property Type
Office space
Floor area
15000 sq.ft.
Bills included ?
Available Now
Short term

Property Details

A Grade Office Spaces for Rent

Available Sq ft ( 1,500, 3,000, 5,000, 10,000. 15,000 )


* Air Conditioning
Effective indoor environment control with energy
efficient central air-conditioning

* Elevators
16 high-speed passenger elevators each with a capacity
for 18 passengers, in addition to 2 service elevators

* Building Management
State-of-the-art intelligent building management
a system that effectively maintains and enhances building

* Security
24x7 surveillance via CCTV and access control systems
to ensure the safety of both occupants and visitors

* Parking
Ample parking for 800 vehicles with a fully automated
car park control system for speedy and efficient


* Telecommunication
End-to-end fiber optic enabled high-speed voice, data,
and telecommunication facilities with service providers

* Back-Up Power
100% stand-by generators to power the entire facility

* Ceiling
High ceilings with recessed LED fittings

* Floor System
An accommodative built-in cable management system
that affords you flexibility in office arrangement

* Fire Protection
Intelligent fire alarm with automatic sprinklers, as well
as public address and firefighting systems for the highest
safety of occupants

Rent Per Sq.Ft USD: $ 1.4

Property Code: CP35278

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AKARA Apartments Agent
AKARA Apartments : 94-773434631

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Platinum Agent

AKARA Apartments Agent

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