Is Nugegoda the ideal Suburbia?
Does good transport links, good schools, abundance of shopping, restaurants and recreational activities make Nugegoda city the ideal suburbia?

Introduction and History
Nugegoda has become almost a synonym with the urbanization that is sweeping Sri Lanka amidst the recent real estate boom. The town which amounted to a very small town in the recent past, has grown tenfold in the last few years to become an area that hosts prime real estate.
Known as Dimbulgas Handiya in the past, the name “Nugegoda” is assumed to come from the term “Nugen Egoda”. It was known to be largely a very flat landscape with marshlands. Today, Nugegoda is a bustling urban center with a large basis of affluent middle-class residents and a high influx of people on a daily basis.
The High-level road which connects the Sabaragamuwa and surrounding areas has played a key role in Nugegoda becoming an urban center of the Western province. As a gateway to Colombo, Nugegoda attracts a large number of visitors, both as travelers that are passing through as well as those intending to access the many amenities the urban center has to offer.
Nugegoda is also famous for its iconic Bo tree after which the Bo gaha junction has been named.
Population in Nugegoda
The population around Nugegoda region is approximately 36,326 according to the figures in 2012 when Nugegoda, Pagoda and Gangodawila is calculated together.
This figure is bound to have grown in the last 5 years and the current figure must be viewed in comparison with numbers from 2017 listing the approximate figures of Colombo (648,034), Mount Lavinia (219,827), Pita Kotte (118,179) and Maharagama (66,576).
House Prices

Despite crime rates increasing, the real estate property market for housing and land properties in Nugegoda are growing at an exponential rate.
Regardless of high crime rates, people still view this region as a viable and a valuable addition to their families. The price of an average 4 bed house has gone up 21%. A house for sale in Nugegoda averages around 45.5M for a 4-bedroom house and the average price for a 3-bedroom house is set at 26 Million, which is a 19.6% decrease from last year.
Land for sale in Nugegoda is also on high demand, rising up to 2.5 million per perch which is a 13.6% increase. This is indicative of the direction in which land for sale in Nugegoda is heading, supplemented by many new apartments and luxury living complexes being built in the region. Nugegoda is currently a popular choice for property searching with it being the 3rdmost searched location for rentals and 7th for sales.
According to the recent survey conducted by Lanka Property Web, when deciding a place to stay people made their choices based on the neighborhood and distance to work. Nugegoda is a location and a setting where both these factors are fulfilled thus making it an ideal region to establish residency.
Schools and Institutions

Nugegoda houses some of the top tier schools in the country, both in terms of National and International Schools. It has also become a hub for students, particularly due to the large number of private tuition classes that operate around the Nugegoda area.
The likes of Lyceum International, St. Johns College, Anula College, Samudradevi Balika Vidyalaya, Sujatha Vidyalaya lay claim to the schools and Sakya and Rotary plays a large role as institutions. Nugegoda has a perfect mixture of national and international schools giving parents the perfect set of options to choose from.
Nugegoda is also close to the University of Sri Jayawardenapura and the Open University of Sri Lanka, providing a higher education outlet as well.
Amenities and Shopping

It also houses some of the island’s premier fashion and clothing ranges which gains millions of people especially in the seasonal times. Nolimit, Glitz, Manjari, Kelly Felder, Cool Planet, House of Gifts are amidst large collection of stores dedicated to apparel and fashion.
The Nugegoda supermarket also houses a large collection of vendors and the town is equipped with many Keells and FoodCity outlets, providing easy and quick access to shopping needs.

A very significant number of fine dining restaurants are based in the region as well as fast food ventures such as McDonalds, KFC, Burger King, Steam Boat, Jade, Fab, Green Cabin with more being added in the future.

The recent addition of a wetland park (previously known as the Weli park) has proven to be an attractive recreation option for the community. There are other means of recreation like Power World gym, Sri Lanka School of Jeet Kune Do, Municipal Council Fitness Center.
Healthcare and Hospital

In terms of the healthcare of the region, there are many diverse yet quality options. The presence of a number of private healthcare providers such Ceymed & Winlanka and the proximity of Sri Jayawardenapura Hospital and the Kalubowila hospital, makes Nugegoda one of the few places in Sri Lanka with access to high quality health care 24×7.
Distance and Transport

Nugegoda is only about 9.5 Kilometers away from reaching the heart of Colombo. By bus, this distance can be covered in about 45 minutes and if by car in about 30 minutes.
Although the traffic can cause delays it is still a very short drive thus enabling in most times, a quick access to the Colombo region.
Why is Nugegoda a better Option?
With prices going up, any property that you choose to invest your money in will increase in massively value in the coming years. specially, lands for sale in Colombo closer to Nugegoda. Therefore, despite the crime rates rising, Nugegoda is still a very attractive proposition just on a monetary note.
The resident community around Nugegoda is also rapidly on the change. Specially, the houses for sale in Colombo and houses for rent in Colombo. This is due to more and more young professionals moving in which is undoubtedly transforming the community. The surrounding parks and leisure options provide ample room for relaxation. Furthermore, Nugegoda as a transportation hub provides access to a quick getaway to any corner of Sri Lanka.
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Posted Date: 1st August 2017