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Elegant 4 Bedroom house for sale in Hikkaduwa for Rs. 80 million (negotiable)

21780 sq.ft.
Rs. 85,000,000


Property Type
Floor area
21780 sq.ft.
Area of land
80 perches
Available Now

Property Details

Timeless Elegance: Vintage 1950s House for Sale in Hikkaduwa! ?

Step back in time and explore the charm of this exquisite 1950s vintage house nestled in the beautiful coastal town of Hikkaduwa. Perfectly blending classic elegance with modern convenience, this property is a true gem for those seeking a piece of history in a serene and picturesque location.

Key Features:

Expansive Land: Set on a sprawling 80 perches of land, offering ample space for expansion or customization.
Charming Bedrooms: 4 spacious and character-filled bedrooms that exude vintage charm.
Unique Bathrooms: 2 distinctive bathrooms, including one indoor and a refreshing outdoor bathroom.
Dual Kitchens: Perfect for culinary enthusiasts, this house features two kitchen areas, providing versatility and functionality.
Verandas: Enjoy the tranquility of the surroundings with two delightful verandas, ideal for relaxation and entertaining.
Versatile Space: Includes a store room that can also serve as a servant room, catering to your needs.
Location Highlights:

Proximity to the Beach: Just 800 meters away from the stunning Hikkaduwa beach, making it perfect for beach lovers.
Close to Galle Fort: Only a 15-20 minute drive to the historic Galle Fort, allowing easy access to a UNESCO World Heritage site and vibrant town life.
Property Perks:

Privacy and Security: The entire property is walled and gated, ensuring complete privacy and peace of mind.
Scenic Views: Enjoy breathtaking views of a vast rice paddy field across the road, providing a serene and calming backdrop.
Spacious Living Areas: The house boasts abundant dining and living space, including a generous 30 perches courtyard, perfect for family gatherings and outdoor activities.
Price: LKR 80 million

This vintage 1950s house offers a unique opportunity to own a piece of history in one of Sri Lanka's most sought-after coastal locations. With its timeless elegance and prime location, this property is a rare find. Don’t miss out on the chance to make this charming vintage gem your own! ?

Property Features


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Posted/Edited: 27 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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