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1 Acre Beautiful Lake Front Property For Sale Kalpitiya

Kalpityia , Kalpitiya
Rs. 16,000,000  ($ 53,000)
Per Acre


Property Type
Waterfront land
Area of land
1 acres
Agent Ref
Available Now
Offered for
Road frontage
150 ft.
Approach road width
16 ft.
Shape of land
Primary USP
Wide Water Frontage

Property Details

Property Ref : Lake-216

Escape to the tranquil and beautiful Nachchiamma Genge, a stunning one-acre (160 perches) lakefront property located in the heart of Kalpitiya, one of Sri Lanka's most exciting and rapidly developing tourist destinations.

With 150 feet of water frontage and serene views of the 600-acre saltwater lake, this property offers a unique opportunity for investors and individuals looking for a private holiday bungalow or other tourism-related project. Scattered palm trees, lush green grass, and calm waters provide an idyllic setting for water sports enthusiasts, including kitesurfing, kayaking, and fishing.

The area is home to some of the best kitesurfing and windsurfing spots in Sri Lanka, including the famous Kalpitiya kite lagoon, which attracts kite surfers from around the world. Additionally, the area is known for its beautiful beaches, wildlife, and traditional fishing villages, making it an ideal destination for eco-tourism and cultural tourism projects.

Located just 10 minutes (3 km) from Kudawa beach and the Kalpitiya kite lagoon, and 15 minutes (5.5 km) from Kalpitiya town center, this property offers both convenience and exclusivity. The property comes with clear deed and title (Sinnakkara with more than 30 years clear title), good road access, electricity, and fresh water, making it an excellent investment opportunity in the rapidly growing Sri Lankan tourism industry.

Don't miss out on the chance to own one of the last available waterfront properties in the area, and be part of Kalpitiya's exciting growth and development. This is your opportunity to invest in a profitable venture in a location that offers a unique mix of stunning natural beauty, cultural heritage, and exciting water sports activities.

The asking price for the entire 1-acre property is LKR 100,000/perch or US$ 53,000 for the entire property representing excellent value for money. Contact us today for more information and to arrange a viewing of this exceptional lakefront property in Kalpitiya

Property Features


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Posted/Edited: 48 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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