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Estate for Sale in Ratnapura

Rs. 300,000,000


Property Type
Tea land
Area of land
66 acres
Available Now
Offered for
Shape of land

Property Details

66 Acers Land at Ratnapura
Good for gem mining

✔ Assets
◾ 100s of natural herbal and indigenous species belong to the 30 acres of natural forest.
◾ Nearly 10 acres of tea cultivation which is under subcontract at this point
◾ Many different fruits and agricultural plants are in place within this state facility
◾ Front office facility
◾ Medium size state bungalow
◾ Larger size training and development activity hall
◾ 3 eco homes that can accommodate 50 participants on a residential basis
◾ 2 natural pools
◾ Staff accommodation facilities and a separate kitchen for the food processing center
◾ Adventure activities include a medium size playground & a natural cave

✔ Also it has 360 degrees view surrounded by the Rakwana Mountain range which is Suitable to build a top-level natural resort or better to have an interest if someone is willing to develop a higher education facility within this estate

✔ The facility has been registered under the private limited liability company in Sri Lanka

land extend: 66 Acre
Total Price: Rs. 300 Million

Viewing by appointment only. Exclusive listing for Direct buyers only
Please call for more information

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Pan Global Property Developers (Pvt) Ltd Agent
Gamini : 94-777636990

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Posted/Edited: 19 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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Pan Global Property Developers (Pvt) Ltd Agent

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