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Spectacular Beachfront Land with Coconut Cultivation for Immediate Occupancy

St. Patrick's Road, Wadduwa
Rs. 800,000  ($ 2,705)
Per Perch


Property Type
Beachfront land
Area of land
358 perches
Available Now
Offered for
Shape of land

Property Details

An amazing and exciting opportunity for Buyers, Investors, Lessees, and Renters.

358 Perch beach front land available for immediate occupancy.

The amazing property is facing one of the most breathtaking beachfronts of Sri Lanka in Wadduwa Beach amongst the many star class hotels in the vicinity. To be exact, the land is neighboring to 'The Privilege - Ayurveda Beach Resort'.

Within close proximity to the Wadduwa town, the property is located around 750m from the Colombo-Galle A2 Main road and 6km from the nearest highway entrance point.

The land is ideal for investors to build unique boutique or modern style hotels/resorts, beach front restaurants, villas/bungalows, and etc. .

Price of the property maybe negotiable and please don’t hesitate to contact for any questions or clarifications and to get your early bird offer!

Property Features


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St. Patrick's Road, Wadduwa    [View on large map]

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Lakindu Irugalbandara Owner
Dissanayake : 94-777683598

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Posted/Edited: 115 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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Lakindu Irugalbandara Owner

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