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Estate for Sale - Matale | LKR 301,000,000

Rs. 43,750
Per Perch


Property Type
Bare Land
Area of land
6880 perches
Agent Ref
Available Now
Offered for
Shape of land

Property Details

In the midst of Matale lies a beautiful property surrounded by breathtaking views suitable for a 5 star hotel, on one side facing the main road (300 feet) and the other side bordering Amban Ganga (700feet). This is a silent retreat with a beautiful cold breeze, Bird Songs and River lullaby at the Hill Top where it is ideal to build ‘Spice River Cabanas’ and this will become a paradise.

This property consists of;

Heritage Holiday Bungalow – 3,175sqft includes 8 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 3 storerooms, 2 dinning and 2 living areas.

Factory – 2,373 sqft includes 2 office rooms, 3 store rooms, 4 large factory spaces.

Kitchen – 835sqft includes 1 kitchen, 1 pantry, 2 labour rooms with attached bathrooms

Open Warehouse – 5,760sqft

200,000 liter water tank and 10,000 liter water tank pumped by 3 heavy Jinasena New Pumps which can pump closer to 750,000 liters per day. Back up Diesel Pump when electricity is not there. Both these pumps have filtration systems. The whole estate is irrigated, can have water in any place as pipes are layered all around the estate. The tanks are in Hill Top therefore water is gravity fed so no electricity charges and have very good pressure. Highest grade equipment and pipes are used throughout the estate.

2 Electricity Connections - 60AMP 3 Phase Electricity line and 30AMP 3 Phase electricity line and these lines are all around the estate for easy access from anywhere needed.

Though this property is 43 acres, the actual land mass has extra 4 acres as reservation, totaling to 47 acres. This property has crystal clear deeds and currently under a loan taken by People’s Bank.

30 Acres of Pepper where some trees are as high as 40 feet.

10 Acres of Cinnamon & 5 acres of Vanilla

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Acquest Private Limited Agent
Praneeth : 94-775775445

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Posted/Edited: 353 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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Acquest Private Limited Agent

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