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Prime Beachfront Land For Sale - Pasikudah, Sri Lanka

Pasikudah bay
Rs. 215,000
Per Perch


Property Type
Beachfront land
Area of land
13.36 acres
Available Now
Offered for
Road frontage
800 ft.
Approach road width
30 ft.
Shape of land

Property Details

An exceptional investment opportunity awaits in the stunning coastal paradise of Pasikudah, Sri Lanka. We are delighted to present a 13.36-acre freehold square block of land for immediate sale in this highly sought-after area. This is a rare chance to acquire a property in Pasikudah, which is renowned for its turquoise blue waters, sandy beaches, and thriving tourism scene.

Key Features:

Land Area: The expansive 13.36-acre square block offers ample space to develop a beach resort and villas, allowing you to capitalize on the immense potential of this prime location.
Beachfront Location: Situated directly on the picturesque shores of Pasikudah, this land provides immediate access to the pristine sandy beach and inviting Indian Ocean waters.
Proximity to Luxury Hotels and Villas: Surrounded by esteemed establishments such as the Malu Malu Resort & Spa and Uga Bay by Uga Escapes, the property benefits from its association with the area's upscale hospitality offerings.
Attractive Tourist Destination: Pasikudah has gained international recognition, having been ranked as the 3rd best beach in the world. Its tranquil ambience, water sports activities, and two hrs drive to popular tourist sites like Sigiriya make it a magnet for both local and foreign visitors.
Convenient Accessibility: The land is located just a 6-hour drive from Katunayake International Airport, ensuring convenient access for international travellers. Additionally, it is only 2 hours away from Sigiriya and a short 15-minute drive from Kalkudah Beach.
Don't miss out on this rare opportunity to acquire prime beachfront property in one of Sri Lanka's most coveted coastal destinations. Whether you envision a luxurious beach resort, private villas, or a combination of both, this land provides the perfect canvas for your project.

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Posted/Edited: 184 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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