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Land (Agri) For Sale In Dambulla

Off Dambulla - Matale Road
Rs. 6,000,000
Per Acre


Property Type
Bare Land
Area of land
33 acres
Available Now
Offered for
Shape of land

Property Details

Fertile land well developed as an Agri farm ( fruit farm ) for Sale
Just about 7 km from Dambulla town

33 acres of cultivated farm comprising

✔ TEJC Mango : 13.5 Acre
✔ Alphonse Mango : 04 Acre
✔ KC Mango : 1.5 Acre
✔ Teak : 02 Acre
✔ Cashew Crops : 01 Acre
✔ Timber Clearing : 01 Acre
✔ Coconut : 2.5 Acre
✔ Mixed Fruit : 01 Acre
✔ Bungalows : 01 Acre
✔ Reservoir : 0.5 Acre
✔ Roads : 03 Acre
✔ New Coconut TEJC : 02 Acre

Total: 33 Acre

The property is freehold

✔ Electricity is provided by a 3-phase as well as a single-phase connection. The farm is very secure, with a strong perimeter fence bolstered by an electric fence. CCTV cameras and floodlights have been installed.

✔ The property includes two bungalows with 06 bedrooms and 05 bathrooms, a manager's quarters and staff quarters, and many stores and ancillary buildings, including a brand new well-appointed staff canteen and rest room.

✔ There are 3 large agro wells and two deep (tube) wells, a large water storage tank, and a reservoir of about 1/3 of an acre in extent. Drip irrigation is provided for new fields

✔ Machinery and equipment include 2 diesel generators and a hand tractor with all attachments, power sprayers, manually operated sprayers, brush cutters, chainsaws, welding plant, etc; tools and implements

✔ This is a profitable business for agricultural enthusiasts.

✔ The land is in two sections separated by the approach road, and the smaller block is 4 acres and could be sold separately if necessary.

Priced at Rs. 6 Million per acre.

Viewing by appointment only. Exclusive listing for Direct buyers only
Please call for more information

Property Features


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Off Dambulla - Matale Road    [View on large map]

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Pan Global Property Developers (Pvt) Ltd Agent
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Posted/Edited: 20 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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Pan Global Property Developers (Pvt) Ltd Agent

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