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Beach Land Property for sale in Beruwala

Rs. 110,000,000
Per Perch


Property Type
Bare Land
Area of land
83 perches
Available Now
Offered for
Shape of land

Property Details


Beach Land property of 83 perches facing a panoramic view of the Indian Ocean in Beruwela is for sale. City water supply and three-phase electricity are available in the property. The land is quiet and peaceful with scores of fruit-bearing coconut trees.

UDA approvals have been granted for a two-unit Beach resident with facilities to build jetties for mooring of private boats.

The property is located on the Beruwela Fishing Harbour Road, just minutes away from the main Galle Road, and can be easily reached within half-an-hour by highway or within one and half-hours by train from Colombo (capital of the country).

The Beruwela Fishing Harbour is minutes from the property and is rated as one of the top places to see in Beruwela. Taking a morning stroll at the fishing port can be a mind-soothing activity, where you can watch or even help fishermen haul in their morning catch and set up their market stall to sell the freshest seafood.

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Pan Global Property Developers (Pvt) Ltd Agent
Gamini : 94-777636990

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Posted/Edited: 19 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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Pan Global Property Developers (Pvt) Ltd Agent

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