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17 perches land with house for sale in Colombo 15

66 De La Salle Street, Colombo 15
Rs. 5,000,000  ($ 15,998)
Per Perch


Property Type
Land with house
Area of land
17 perches
For Urgent Sale
Offered for
Available From
Road frontage
20 ft.
Approach road width
15 ft.
Shape of land

Property Details

Basic introduction about the house.
• The house is located next to Kingston college international and Sathutu Uyana. The house is based in one of the highest points in Colombo. Furthermore, the shape of the land is rectangular, however you do get irregular shape in some areas.

• Single story house is in liner shaped land plot. 03 Bedrooms 01 Office Room and 02 washrooms with one servant bathroom, Living Room 01 Kitchen and pantry is available. Back Garden occupies greenery. House constructed with bricks and roofed with asbestos. Property is protected with parapet wall and gate. Electricity, Pipe borne water and telephones.

Key features to the house
• The house located closer to following religious temples.
 Mutwal Jumma Mosque.
 St. James the Great's Church.
 Sri Bodhisamudrarama Temple.
 St Anthonys Shrine.
 Maha Kali Amman Temple.

• The house closer to top rank schools in Colombo. Most of the schools can be reached within a 30-minute drive.

• Grocery shopping for the weekend is easy because of the following grocery shops.
 Cargills Food City – Bloemendhal.
 Keells Mattakkuliya.
 Keells Super Kotahena.
 Further to this there are plenty of grocery stores within walking distance.

• House is also closer to the beach which you can reach within a 10-minute walk.
 Crow Island Beach is within walking distance or you can go for a 5 minute drive.

• A quick update on some landmarks which you can reach really quickly from the resident is.

 Colombo port city
 All the 5-star hotels around Colombo 1.
 All major hospitals.
 All major banks.
 Pettah

Future Investment Idea

If you are interested in investing in an apartment. The property can be utilised for your dream investment land where you can build the apartment at the back of the property and have parking in the front.
You can build a office building for investment purposes.

Property Features


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66 De La Salle Street, Colombo 15    [View on large map]

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Agent Logo
Krishmal Fernando Owner
Chrysantha Fernando : 94-703480523
Krishmal Fernando : 61-449560625
Krishmal Fernando : 94-772558300

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Posted/Edited: 62 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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