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Mirissa- Ocean Views Land For - Sale



Property Type
Bare Land
Area of land
43 perches
Available Now
Offered for
Approach road width
12 ft.
Shape of land

Property Details

These 43 perches' rectangular type bare land is located in Mirissa, a highly prominent area. There are many hotels and villas. To the beach not more than 30 metres. Ocean views the property and if you build two-story villas or hotels, all rooms can be viewed by the ocean.
Freehold property.

As an elevated land, there is no hassle like a drainage issue. It's ideal for digging a well because water is a very important substance for a villa or hotel. But this land is ideal for building a drinking water well. Another part s a good drinking water well.
All amenities such as supermarkets, ATM Machines, private and public banks, police station, wine stores, rural hospital, temple, and shrine centers, are just walking distance. as well as very close to the Weligama Bay beach, Midigama surfing beach, and close to the main city of Southern province Matara. (7km)

For more information and personal showing don't hesitate to get in touch with our real estate agent.

Mirissa is a beautiful little fishing village with a nice beach and two surfing points. One for advanced surfers, and one for intermediate ones.
Take a bus heading to Matara or Tangalle from Fort in Colombo and ask to get out in Mirissa. Depending on when you go, a trip will take between 3.5 and 5 hours.

Alternatively, you can take the train from Colombo Fort to Mirissa. The train schedule is available here. Trips take between 2.5 and 3.5 hours (depending on the train). Mirissa is a small village, you can get everywhere on foot. Walking. Cycling. Motorbiking. Tuk Tuk. Available to rent everywhere.
Surfing. Bodyboarding. Whale watching. Swimming. Snorkeling. Sailing. Ayurvedic treatments. Party.

Mirissa Moorings, Harbour Road, Mirissa, Mirissa Moorings is the premiere boat charter mooring facilities and services in Mirissa offering sailing trips on 6,5 m MiniBee boats (manufactured in Sri Lanka) to local and foreign tourists. You can rent boats with or without a skipper if you have a valid/international sail license.
Most of the shops are located on the main Galle-Matara road. Some shops can also be found on Paradise Road.
Many different restaurants on the beach. Cheaper but still very tasty options are the Roti shops more inland.

Many buses go through the main road on both sides. It's possible to catch buses from Galle, Matara, Colombo... Stand near the bus stop and ask the driver or local people.

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Noble Homes Galle Agent
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Posted/Edited: 87 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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