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99 perches beachfront land for sale in Matara, Dondra (Dewundara)

Dewundara , Matara
Rs. 2,250,000  ($ 7,492)
Per Perch


Property Type
Beachfront land
Area of land
99 perches
Available Now
Offered for
Shape of land

Property Details

Beachfront Paradise in Matara, Dondra (Dewundara)

*Discover your own slice of paradise with this stunning beachfront land in Matara, Dondra. Spanning 99 perches, this picturesque property offers an incredible opportunity to create your dream villa or resort.

*Prime Location: Nestled along the pristine coastline of Dondra, this land boasts unparalleled beachfront access, allowing you to wake up to breathtaking ocean views every day. With CCD approvals in place, you can rest assured knowing that this property is ready for development.

*Flexible Options: The land offers flexible options with parcels of 30 perches each having beachfront access, providing investors or developers the freedom to tailor their projects according to their vision. Additionally, the price is negotiable, ensuring that you can secure the best deal for your investment

*Convenient Amenities: Enjoy the convenience of water and electricity already available on-site, making the development process smoother. Additionally, the property is conveniently located just 1.2 kilometers from the main road, ensuring easy access to nearby amenities while still maintaining a tranquil atmosphere.

*Secure and Private: Surrounded by a protective wall with a gated entrance, this property offers security and privacy for you and your guests. Whether you're relaxing on the beach or exploring the local area, you can do so with peace of mind.

*Ideal for Villas: With its idyllic beachfront setting and ample space, this land is perfectly suited for the construction of luxury villas. Imagine lounging by your private pool, savoring the gentle sea breeze, and watching the sun dip below the horizon every evening.

Don't miss out on this rare opportunity to own a piece of paradise in Matara, Dondra. Contact us today to learn more and start turning your vision into reality.

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Charith Gunawardana Owner
Ishara Dissanayake : 94-704271103
Charith Gunawardana : 94-772115262

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Posted/Edited: 59 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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