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57 Acres with Tea, Cinnamon, Coconut, and Rambutan Estate For Sale in Getahetta

Rs. 427,500,000


Property Type
Cultivated Land
Area of land
57 acres
Agent Ref
Available Now
Offered for

Property Details

Extent: Sprawling across 57 acres of lush greenery.
Cultivated Areas: Enjoy the bounty of nature with tea, cinnamon, coconut, and Rambutan thriving across the estate. Facilities: This estate offers everything you need for a comfortable living and efficient operation:

• Office building
• Stores
• 7 units of worker living quarters
• Quarters for field officer
• Manager's bungalow
• Well-maintained 3-bedroom bungalow with attached bathrooms
• Swimming pool
• Bungalow keeper's quarters (detached)
• Old rubber factory in good repair


• Motorable road network covering the entire estate
• Main internal road approximately 600 meters paved with granite
• A small stream gracefully flowing through the property

Industrial Potential:

• 1/2 acre flat land, expandable to 2 acres, perfect for industrial ventures
• Electricity supply ensured with a 33,000 kVA line and a 100 kVA transformer on-site

Price: Asking for 7.5 million per acre

Don't miss out on this golden opportunity to own a piece of paradise with immense agricultural and industrial potential! Contact us now for more details

Property Features


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Ceylon Tropical Lands Agent
Shezni : 94-779999025

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Posted/Edited: 51 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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