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Stunning Beachfront Land for Sale in Talalla - Ocean Views & Pristine Sandy Beaches!

Rs. 253,000,000  ($ 850,000)


Property Type
Beachfront land
Area of land
123 perches
Available Now
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Property Details

Discover your own piece of paradise with this breathtaking beachfront land for sale in Talalla. This rare gem offers an amazing opportunity to own a piece of land that boasts stunning ocean views and pristine sandy beaches, making it the ideal location for your dream holiday home, investment property, or retirement paradise.

Located in the charming coastal village of Talalla, this beachfront land is surrounded by serene natural beauty and offers a private and peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. With direct access to the beach, you can wake up to the soothing sound of the waves and enjoy endless ocean views every day.

Measuring ____ square meters, this generously sized land plot offers plenty of room to create your dream beachfront escape. Whether you want to build a luxury villa, a cozy cabana, or a tranquil retreat, the options are endless.

What sets this beachfront land apart is its prime location in Talalla, which is known for its pristine white sandy beaches, crystal-clear waters, and year-round sunny weather. The area is also home to a variety of water sports, including surfing and snorkeling, making it an ideal destination for adventure seekers and beach lovers alike.

In addition to its stunning natural beauty, Talalla is also home to a vibrant community, with plenty of shops, restaurants, and other amenities nearby. The area is also in close proximity to popular tourist attractions such as the UNESCO-listed Galle Fort, making it a sought-after destination for both locals and foreigners.

Don't miss this opportunity to own a piece of beachfront paradise in Talalla! Whether you choose to use it as your personal holiday retreat or a lucrative investment property, this prime land is sure to exceed all your expectations. Contact us today to arrange a viewing and start your journey to owning a piece of heaven on earth!

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Sun Lands Real Estate (Pvt) LTD Agent
Jaya : 94-767267597

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Posted/Edited: 32 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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