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Old Property for sale, Selling for Land Value LA3017

Rs. 25,000,000


Property Type
Land with house
Area of land
20 perches
Agent Ref
Available Now
Offered for

Property Details

Old Property for sale, Selling for Land Value

Location: Kottawa, Mahawatta road
Size: 20 perch and 20ft wide road

Main house:
3 Bedroom
Kitchen & Bath

2 Bedroom
Kitchen & bath

Spacious Garden
Parking for 4 vehicles

Additional information:
- Separate utilities
- Servant washroom and storeroom
- Provision to build another floor as there is a concrete slab and external stairway already available

Expected price 25 Million (Negotiable)

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By obtaining a Home Loan through our banking partners

*For a 20-year term with a 14% fixed interest rate, using the equated balance payment method.

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73 Avenue Realtors (Pvt) Ltd - Century 21 Sri Lanka Agent
Nishadi : 94-763607373

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Posted/Edited: 19 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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73 Avenue Realtors (Pvt) Ltd - Century 21 Sri Lanka Agent

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