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15 Acres Agricultural and Tourism Land for Sale in Nonagama, Hambantota District, Ambalantota

Rs. 70,000,000


Property Type
Land with house
Area of land
15 acres
Agent Ref
Available Now
Offered for

Property Details

Discover the perfect investment opportunity with this well-developed agricultural land, ideal for agri-tourism. Located in the scenic Nonagama area, this property boasts a range of features that make it a unique and profitable venture.
Property Highlights:
• Size: 15 Acres (freehold clear title)
• Location: Borders one side lake and two sides paddy fields
• Water Source: Access to Mahaweli irrigation canal, ensuring secure water supply throughout the year
• Irrigation: Agri well with pump house, sprinkler irrigation system, and pipe-borne water
• Utilities: Three-phase electricity, farm office with stores, and utility area
• Villa: Brand new owner’s residence with undisturbed lake views, furnished for comfort and style
• Security: Entire land is fenced with CCTV camera surveillance
• Accessibility: Ten minutes’ drive to the farm from Barawakubuka highway exit point and 10 minutes’ drive to “Shangri-La Hotel”, Hambantota
Agricultural and Tourism Potential:
• Projected Harvest: TJC mango projected harvest per season is Rs.8-10 million
• Plant Count:
o Mango TJC & KC: 800
o Soursop: 200
o Teak: 1,000 (as parameter cover)
o Sandalwood: 80
o Coconut plants: 200
o Fruits: Jackfruit, wood apple, jambu, ukurassa, lemon, orange, guava, nelli, etc.
o Valued timber trees
Price: Rs 70 Million (Negotiable)

Ref No : ETS00129

This property offers a unique blend of agricultural productivity and tourism potential, making it an excellent investment opportunity.

Contact Us today to schedule a viewing and explore the endless possibilities this exceptional property has to offer!

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Ceylon Tropical Lands Agent
Shezni : 94-779999025

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Posted/Edited: 48 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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Ceylon Tropical Lands Agent

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