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16 perches bare land for sale in Rathmalana

Rajamawatha Road, Rathmalana
Rs. 48,000,000


Property Type
Bare Land
Area of land
16 perches
Available Now
Offered for
Road frontage
75 ft.
Approach road width
40 ft.
Shape of land

Property Details

Prime Bare Land for Sale in Ratmalana
Location: Ratmalana, Colombo District, Sri Lanka
Property Type: Bare Land
Plot Size: 16 perch
Total Price: 48 Mn (Negotiable)
Property Highlights:
• Ideal Location: Situated in the highly sought-after area of Ratmalana, this plot offers the perfect balance of urban convenience and serene surroundings.
• Accessibility: Easy access to Galle Road, making it convenient for daily commute and transportation.
• Proximity to Amenities: Close to top schools, hospitals, supermarkets, and shopping centers. The property is within a short distance to the train stations, economical central and fuel stations.
• Development Potential: Perfect for residential or commercial development, with ample space to build your dream home, a luxury villa, or a business establishment.
• Utilities: Availability of essential utilities like water, electricity, making it ready for immediate development.
• Neighborhood: Located in a peaceful and secure neighborhood, ideal for families looking for a quiet and safe environment.
Additional Information:
• Clear title deeds and all documentation available for a smooth transaction.
• 100 meters to Ratmalana Railway Station, 117 Bus Stand, Cargills Express
• 200 meters to the beach
• 750 meters to Galle Road
• 1-2 km radius to Keells Supermarket, Cargills Food City, Ratamalana Economical Center, Ratmalana Pola
• 1-2 km radius to PnS, Meal Cart, Five Star Bakers, and other eateries
• 1-2 km radius to BOC, Pan Asia Bank, Commercial Bank, Sampath Bank
• 2-3 km radius to St Thomas Collage, Lalith Athulathmudali Collage, Science Collage, Ratmalana Vocational Training Collage, German Technical Collage, Sir John Kotelawala Defence University (KDU)
• 2-3 km radius to HNB, NTB in Mount Lavinia
• 5 km to Moratuwa University, KDU Hospital, Cargills Big City (Katubedda), K Zone
Don't miss out on this opportunity to buy prime land / real estate in Ratmalana. Act now and secure your investment in one of the fastest-growing areas in Colombo District!

Property Features


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Rajamawatha Road, Rathmalana    [View on large map]

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*For a 20-year term with a 14% fixed interest rate, using the equated balance payment method.

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Amila Goonetilleke Owner
Amila Goonetilleke : 94-773962302

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Posted/Edited: 35 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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