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Prime Residential/ Commercial Bare Land for Sale - Amarasekara Mawatha, Colombo 5

Amarasekara Mawatha, Colombo 5
Rs. 16,900,000  ($ 55,700)
Per Perch


Property Type
Bare Land
Area of land
20 perches
Available Now
Offered for
Road frontage
46 ft.
Shape of land

Property Details

Property Highlights:
Location: Amarasekara Mawatha, Colombo 5
Land Size: 20 Perches
Frontage: 46 Feet
Access: Dual Entrances
Price: LKR 16.9 Million per Perch
Discover an exceptional opportunity to own prime residential land in one of Colombo's most sought-after neighborhoods. This 20-perch plot, located on the prestigious Amarasekara Mawatha in Colombo 5, offers an ideal setting for a luxurious home or a lucrative investment.

Key Features:
Generous Frontage: With 46 feet of road frontage, this plot provides ample space for an impressive entrance and a well-designed facade.
Dual Entrances: Benefit from the convenience and flexibility of two separate access points, enhancing the potential for innovative architectural designs and easy entry/exit.
Prime Location: Situated in a highly desirable area, this land is surrounded by upscale residences, reputable schools, premium shopping centers, and top-tier medical facilities, ensuring a high-quality lifestyle.
Investment Potential:
Priced at LKR 16.9 million per perch, this land represents a valuable investment opportunity in a rapidly appreciating area. Whether you envision building your dream home or developing a high-end residential project, this property offers immense potential for growth and returns.

Why Choose Amarasekara Mawatha?
Proximity to Amenities: Enjoy easy access to major roads, public transportation, and essential services, making daily commutes and errands effortless.
Community and Lifestyle: Join a vibrant and prestigious community known for its safety, cleanliness, and sophistication.
Future Development: The area's continuous development promises sustained property value appreciation.
Don't miss this rare opportunity to secure prime real estate in Colombo 5. Contact us today for more information or to arrange a viewing.

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Invest in your future with this exceptional property on Amarasekara Mawatha, where luxury meets convenience.

Property Features


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Posted/Edited: 99 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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