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24P Unique land with Lake front and Paddy field view near Kandana and Ragama

Ragama Kandana Peralanda road
Rs. 530,000
Per Perch


Property Type
Bare Land
Area of land
24 perches
Available Now
Offered for
Road frontage
140 ft.
Approach road width
10 ft.
Shape of land

Property Details

I have this 22 perch block of land proximity to Kandana and Ragama overlooking a lake and wetland on to a side.
**** Direct dealing with owner. No extra agent or broker fees.

• Very attractive lavished green surrounding with paddy fields, and coconut estates
• This property is ideal for a foreign expat or serious local entrepreneur to build a holiday home harmonizing with nature
• Birds watching in a very tranquil environment
• 5 Minutes drive to De- Mazenod College and Kandana city and railway station
• 10-15 Minutes Drive to Ragama Town and teaching hospital, Peralanda and Walpola railway stations and Thewatte Basilica Church.
• This land is filled with coconut and fruit trees
• 20-30 minutes drive to Airport
• 15 Km to city of Colombo
• Quick access to Katunayake airport high way via Ja-ela and Kerawalapitiya
• Pipe borne water, electricity and telephones
• Bordered to jogging track right round the lake
• 2 sides fences- boundary wall and chain link fence
Contact my uncle Nimal for inspections and it could be arranged on request for those who are really interested.
Contact owner via Whatsapp +6148o2896oo

Property Features


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Ragama Kandana Peralanda road    [View on large map]

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*For a 20-year term with a 14% fixed interest rate, using the equated balance payment method.

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Agent Logo
Owner Kusum Bandara Owner
Nimal for Owner Kusum : 94-770062812
Suma : 94-711965640

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Posted/Edited: 20 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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Owner Kusum Bandara Owner

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