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Elegant Beachfront Plot in Induruwa



Property Type
Beachfront land
Area of land
50 perches
Available Now
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Induruwa, a serene coastal village nestled along the southwestern shores of Sri Lanka, captivates visitors with its turquoise waters, water sports, and laid-back ambiance. The rich cultural heritage embedded in Induruwa is reflected in its quaint fishing villages, traditional architecture, and warm hospitality, providing visitors with a glimpse into the authentic way of life in Sri Lanka. The availability of several international brands of hotels and luxury villas owned by investors in the area has made it a promising tourist hub.

This exquisite plot of land, nestled on Induruwa Beach, is awaiting the right investor to unlock its true potential. Nestled along the sun-drenched shores of Induruwa, this exquisite 1264 sqm beachfront plot offers a rare opportunity to embrace coastal luxury and tranquility. With its prime location along the pristine coastline, this plot presents a canvas for crafting your dream seaside escape. Blessed with a generous expanse of golden sands, this plot invites you to create your private oasis, whether it be a sprawling beachfront villa or a serene retreat surrounded by lush tropical gardens offering unparalleled relaxation. The allure of this coastal paradise is further enhanced by its seamless blend of natural beauty and modern convenience, with easy access to nearby amenities and attractions.

As realtors born and bred in the real estate market of Sri Lanka, we think that Induruwa is an undervalued real estate market. So, entering the market now will undoubtedly give you a lofty capital gain in the years to come. We're available on WhatsApp and email for you to take the next step if you're ready to be that long-waited investor that this land has been searching for.

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