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127.7 Perches bare land for sale in Koggala for Rs. 90 million (Per Perch)

Rukandaluwa Estate, Koggala


Property Type
Bare Land
Area of land
127.7 perches
Available Now
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Property Details

Land for Sale: Exclusive 127.7-Perch Plot at Rukandaluwa Estate, Lake Koggala

Price: 90,000,000 LKR

Property Overview:
Discover unparalleled luxury and privacy with Plot 15 at Rukandaluwa Estate, a stunning 127.7-perch plot that offers 360-degree panoramic views of the lush landscapes and serene surroundings of Lake Koggala. This prime piece of land is perched at the highest point within the estate, providing a sense of seclusion and exclusivity like no other.


Breathtaking Views: Enjoy sweeping 360-degree vistas of the estate’s natural beauty, including the tranquil Lake Koggala and the verdant greenery that surrounds it.
Architectural Excellence: Renowned architect Sunela Jayawardena has already drafted a stunning scheme for this plot, ensuring a design that perfectly complements the natural surroundings while offering the pinnacle of luxury living.
Premium Location: Rukandaluwa Estate is a historic site, once an island on the north shore of Lake Koggala. The estate spans 23 acres, with 16 acres of ridges running parallel to the lake, featuring coconut and rubber trees that add to the serene atmosphere.
Proximity to Attractions: The estate is just minutes away from pristine beaches, world-class resorts, and the historic Galle Fort, offering the perfect balance between peaceful seclusion and access to vibrant coastal life.
Future Development Potential: With plans for a boutique hotel, private villas, and a nearby golf course, this estate promises an unmatched lifestyle with luxurious amenities. Planning permission is easily obtained, allowing you to create a bespoke home that reflects your unique style.
Investment Opportunity:
Priced at 90,000,000 LKR, Plot 15 is more than just a piece of land; it’s a gateway to refined living and a timeless investment opportunity. This exclusive plot offers a rare chance to own a piece of paradise in one of Sri Lanka’s most sought-after locations.

Contact Information:
For more details or to arrange a viewing, please contact [Your Name/Your Company] at [Phone Number] or [Email Address]. Don’t miss out on this exceptional opportunity to own a slice of luxury at Rukandaluwa Estate, Lake Koggala.

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Posted/Edited: 41 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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