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200 Perches beachfront land for sale in Nilaveli for Rs. 1.50 million (Per Perch)

Rs. 1,500,000
Per Perch


Property Type
Beachfront land
Area of land
200 perches
Available Now
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Property Details

Versatile Beachfront Land for Sale in Nilaveli – 200 Perches

Price: LKR 1.5 Million per Perch

Prime Location & Investment Highlights:

World-Class Beachfront: Located near the stunning Nilaveli Beach and Pigeon Island, famous for its white sands and clear waters.
Tourist Magnet: Nilaveli Beach is a global destination, attracting tourists from around the world. The area is surrounded by 5-star hotels, making it ideal for high-return investments.
Nearby Attractions: Close to Trincomalee's Koneswaram Temple, Kanniya Hot Springs, Thiriyai Mountain, and whale-watching spots. Perfect for diving, snorkeling, and other tourist activities.

Versatile Land Use:

Agricultural Potential: The land is highly fertile and suitable for cultivating a variety of vegetables, offering multiple income streams.
Tourism Development: Ideal for building hotels, beachfront restaurants, or other tourist attractions. This beachfront land is in a prime location that attracts a steady flow of international tourists.

High Earning Potential:

Annual Revenue: The area is known to generate up to LKR 100 million annually from tourism-related activities, making it a lucrative investment.

Why Choose This Land?

Strategic Location: Close to well-known beachfront restaurants and popular tourist spots, enhancing its value and appeal.
Multiple Uses: Whether you want to cultivate crops or develop a tourism-based business, this land offers endless possibilities.
Seize the opportunity to invest in one of Sri Lanka’s most sought-after beachfront locations. This versatile and valuable land is perfect for a wide range of ventures.

Contact Us Today to Secure This Unique Investment!

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Posted/Edited: 26 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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