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14 Acres Prime Farm and Agricultural Land for Sale in Sooriyaara



Property Type
Cultivated Land
Area of land
14 acres
Available Now
Offered for
Approach road width
10 ft.
Shape of land

Property Details

Prime Agricultural Land for Sale in Sooriyaara, Thanamalwila
Viewing by appointment only

This prime piece of agricultural land is nestled in Sooriyaara, a tranquil village renowned for its rich agricultural roots and residential charm. The surrounding area is primarily utilized for paddy cultivation, seasonal crop farming, and chena cultivation, catering mainly to local consumption.


12.3 km from Thanamalwila town via Hambantota-Wellawaya Main Road.
28.5 km from Udawalawa Junction on the Rathnapura–Embilipitiya Main Road.
Well-connected to major economic hubs, including Suriyawewa and Thanamalwila, both within a 15 km radius.
Urban Services: Proximity to urban services, national and private institutions, financial establishments, and more in Embilipitiya and Rathnapura, approximately 1.5 hours away.

Tourist Attractions Nearby: Easy access to Udawalawe National Park, Kataragama Sacred City, Yala National Park, Tangalle Tourist Resort, and Kirinda.

Economic Potential: This land's economic value is on the rise, driven by a shift from domestic agricultural practices to export-oriented commercial agriculture. This transition has positively impacted the land and property values in the area.

Property Features:

Land Development: The land is fully equipped for agricultural farming, featuring a comprehensive underground irrigation system sourced from an 8-inch diameter deep tube well with submersible pumps and overhead tanks (10,000L).
Coconut Plantation: 320 coconut plants (3 years old) under meticulous maintenance.

Structures on Property:
Potting House
Green House
Cottage House 1
Cottage House 2
Cottage House 3
Cottage House 4
Fertilizer Room
Packing Room

Proximity to Key Infrastructure:

11 km to Suriyawewa Mahinda Rajapaksha Cricket Stadium.
27 km to Mattala Rajapaksha International Airport.
40 km to Hambantota Commercial Harbour.

This property presents a unique opportunity for investors and agricultural enthusiasts alike, offering a blend of rural charm and strategic location with growth potential. Whether you’re looking to expand your agricultural portfolio or invest in a valuable piece of land with future prospects, this property is a prime candidate.

For Inquiries: Contact us for more details or to schedule a visit.

Property Features


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Idris Shabbir Owner
Idris Shabbir : 94-777345069

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Posted/Edited: 17 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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