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Large very unique forest land with nearly completed luxury villa. Great for tourism.

Rs. 55,000,000  ($ 181,000)


Property Type
Land with house
Area of land
14.5 acres
Available Now
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Property Details

14.5 acres of unique land with a nearly finished luxury villa. Land is 15 minutes away from Pinnawala elephant orphanage and about 4 kilometers away from new Colombo -Kandy highway being built. Land consist o two acres of rubber trees, about nine acres private forest, coconut land , about 2 acres of unique collection of fruit trees from around the world, not found almost anywhere else on the island. This is large piece of land, due to terrain and it takes about 25 minutes just to walk around property boundaries. Land is foreigner owned and maintained since a decade, when it was legal for foreigners to own land. Selling because of recent involvement with projects in other countries where more attention is needed. Land borders large national forest. In a densely populated Western Province between Colombo and Kandy is very hard to find forest that big. See video seemingly endless forest around the villa. youtube.com/watch?v=mIb5NWZHZU0 Villa itself was built with intention to receive couples. Potential for personal living, quick weekend getaway home with possible travel less than one hour to Colombo once highway is completed. Also, amazing opportunity for tourism business. Estimated nightly rate is $250 depending how you design interior, whether you build pool, and quality of service you provide. If you manage tourism side of this property well, high income potential. Villa itself is nearly finished. Construction crew can finish it in about another 4-6 weeks as per your design and requirements and be ready for living or accepting guests. There is also aditional two-floor nearly finished house for a caretaker. Also two other spots with amazing mountain views on this property to build additional villas. We don't think another similar property will appear on a Sri Lankan real estate market for many years to come. Selling for 58 million LKR. Very flexible payment options. Can be paid directly in major world's currencies or crypto. Contact WA: +8775

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