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Deco style with great potential - LIP 174

Southern Province, Kathaluwa
Rs. 247,800  ($ 700)
Per Month


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LIP-174 Residential property, well positioned in Kathaluwa, Ahangama available for sale or long term rent. 5 bedrooms 2 bathrooms, external kitchen, living area and garage. Large enclosed garden, government water and electricity. The house is positioned in a very peaceful area and only 300m from surfing and swimming beaches. Within close proximity to Kathaluwa train station and the Matara main road for buses and tuk tuk transportation. 30 minutes? drive to Galle Fort and only 10 minutes to Ahangama town. With a little tlc this house would be ideal for a surf / yoga retreat / hostel accommodation or a guest house. There are a number of guest houses and spa?s in this area, which is an attractive area for tourists.

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Lanka Island Properties Agent
Helena : 94-729976818
Chamith : 94-773837280

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