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Brand New Office Space in Ja-Ela: Rs. 2.75 Lakhs/Month (Also Ideal for Residential Use)

3776 sq.ft.
Rs. 275,000  ($ 880)
Per Month


Property Type
Office space
Floor area
3776 sq.ft.
No. of floors
Bills included ?
12 Months
Min. lease term
2 Years
Available Now
Price per sq.ft.
Rs. 73 Per Month
Car parking spaces
Advance payment
1 Months
Short term

Property Details

The property is a two-story house situated on a spacious 20-perch land in Thumpeliya. Its prime location, close proximity to Guruge Nature Park, and just 1km away from the Weligampitiya-Ja-Ela junction (Negombo road) which is an ideal location for an office space. Muti purpose also can be considered depend on the discussion.

Total Square Footage: 3,776 square feet, including a generous hall, 5 rooms, 4 bathrooms, and a spacious terrace.

Ample Parking Space: The property can comfortably accommodate 4-5 vehicles and more than 10 bikes.

Additional Parking Facility: Adjacent to the property, there is another piece of land, separated by a wall, which can accommodate more than 15 vehicles.

To provide you with a better understanding of the property, I have attached photos and a video for your reference. If you require any additional information or have specific questions, please feel free to reach out to me on Whats-app

The property is also up for sale, and we are open to considering offers at 60 million

Price is negotiable

For property viewings and further inquiries, you can also contact my brothers:( Jerome and Lenin)

Property Video

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Agent Logo
Clement Anthony Joseph Owner
Jerome : 94-770516940
Lenin : 94-773777237

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Posted/Edited: 223 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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Clement Anthony Joseph Owner

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