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4000 sq ft 3 story modern building for rent in Colombo 03 ( Fully Airconditioned - suitable for salon/ cafe/office)

Colombo 3
4000 sq.ft.
Rs. 550,000
Per Month


Property Type
Office space
Floor area
4000 sq.ft.
No. of floors
Bills included ?
Min. lease term
2 Years
Agent Ref
Available Now
Price per sq.ft.
Rs. 138 Per Month
Car parking spaces
Short term

Property Details

Property details

Property Overview,
This property is located in a highly commercialized area of Colombo 03 ( 27th lane). Easy access from st Anthony's Mawatha, inner flower road, 5th lane, duplication road and flower road The spacious modern three story building with 6/7 rooms and 5/6 washrooms, Total floor area is approx. 4000 sq ft . Most Suitable for commercial such as private universities, private institutions, software companies, salon, restaurant back office etc. 6/8 vehicles parking in front of the building on both side of the property since its 50 feet wide road. If you're looking for a commercial property with all the amenities in a prime location for the best price, We got you covered.

Property details,

- Modern three story building with floor area of approximately 4000 sq ft with fully tiled and fully airconditioned ( newly fixed inverter type a/c )
- With parking space for 6/8 vehicles in front of the building on both side of the road
- 6/7 rooms, board room, lobby and reception area with 4/5washrooms with imported fittings
- Separate lunch room and utility sections
- Most suitable for universities, private institutions, back office, logistics, It institutions, beauty parlor, restaurant etc

Easy access to prime locations in Colombo, Banks, Restaurants, Supermarkets, Public transport etc
550,000 per month (negotiable) + relevant taxes

Please contact us for further information and for property viewing purpose or else email us your requirements with all the details you require, will guide you find the perfect place as per your requirements.

“Your satisfaction is our priority”

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Golden Ceylon Property Agent
Tuan Razeen : 94-772749112
Tuan Razeen : 94-724444965

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Posted/Edited: 113 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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Silver Agent

Golden Ceylon Property Agent

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Tuan Razeen
Tuan Razeen

Hi there 👋,

If you need further details about this Office space for rent in Colombo 3, please feel free to message me.

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