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Commercial Building Floors for Rent in Rajagiriya

15000 sq.ft.
Rs. 285
Per Sq. Ft.


Property Type
Office space
Floor area
15000 sq.ft.
No. of floors
Bills included ?
6 Months
Min. lease term
1 Years
Agent Ref
Available Now
Car parking spaces
Advance payment
1 Months
Short term

Property Details

Location: Rajagiriya | Colombo District
Over 15,000 Sq. ft. | Third Floor unit Rs. 300/- Per Sq.ft, Other units Rs. 285/- Per Sq. ft.

රාජගිරිය, බුත්ගමුව මාර්ගයට නුදුරින් ව්‍යාපාරික ගොඩනැගිල්ලක මහල් කිහිපයක් වහාම කුලියට දීමට.. | සියලුම පහසුකම් වලින් හෙබි නිදහස් වටපිටාව | පළමු,තෙවන, සිව්වන හා ඉහල මහල් හි ඉඩ අවශ්‍ය පරිදි වෙන් කර ගත හැක | වර්ග අඩි 15,000+ | වායු සමීකරණය කර ඇති අංගසම්පූර්ණ කාර්‍යාල කුටි සහ රැස්වීම් පරිශ්‍ර | මාසික කුලිය වර්ග අඩියක් සඳහා රු. 285 සිට ඉහළට

Premier building, Premium location!! Multiple floors of this well maintained, fully equipped office complex are up for rental. The floors can be rented separately or together. The building has three spacious lifts and has central air conditioning. Onsite parking as well as plenty of street parking available, it’s located in a calm, peaceful surrounding yet, minutes away from all facilities. With regular power cuts, nothing to worry; as it has a forty kilowatt generator and a solar panel system which would provide continuous power throughout the day. It is the perfect space for a high quality office environment for your business.

Property Details:

- Building: 7 Storey Building (1st Floor, 4th Floor, 3rd Floor, and the Top Floor Units will be Rented), and Can be Rented Floorwise
- 1st floor: 7008 sq.ft, 16 Office Cubicles, 1 Meeting Room, 4 Toilets, and 3 Elevators
- 3rd floor: 3500 sq.ft, Office Cubicles, Meeting Rooms, Elevator, Toilets
- 4th floor: 3100 sq.ft, 10 Office Cubicles, 1 Meeting Room, 2 Toilets, and A Lunch Room
- Rooftop (Top Floor) : 5046 sq ft with Cubicles and Furniture, 3 Lifts, Toilets, Roof Terrace
- Elevators: 3 Elevators Access to All Levels
- Power: 40 Kw Solar Panel System (Economical Billing)
- Generator: Backup Generator
- Central Air-Conditioning System
- Parking: 20 Vehicle Parking Spaces
- Access Roads: 30ft Access Road (Facing a Main Road)
- Separate Electricity, Water Meters will be arranged
- Deposit: 6 Months Deposit Required

Location & Facilities:

- Walking distance to Buthgamuwa road and bus stops
- Only 500m to Battaramulla - Rajagiriya road
- Only 1.7 km to Rajagiriya town
- Only 2 km to Colombo city limits
- Only 10 km to Kaduwela - Biyagama highway interchange
- Only 450m to Liberty International College
- Only 1.9 km to preschools
- Only 1.2km to supermarkets
- Only 900 m to banks
- Only 2.8km to Cotta road railway station
- Walking distance to restaurants

Ideal for:

- Office Space

Call/ WhatsApp/ Email for more information and to book an inspection. (Virtual inspections are available through video calls.)

Property Features


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Real Mark Property (Pvt) Ltd Agent
Hotline : 94-772488100
Daminda : 94-766876702
Landline : 94-117007669

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Real Mark Property (Pvt) Ltd Agent

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