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Spacious Commercial building for rent in Battaramulla

Thalahena Road, Battaramulla
16705 sq.ft.
Rs. 1,000,000
Per Month


Property Type
Floor area
16705 sq.ft.
No. of floors
Agent Ref
Available Now
Price per sq.ft.
Rs. 60 Per Month
Car parking spaces

Property Details

Discover a fusion of commercial building and convenient surroundings in thalahena, Battaramula, This rented building is ideal to run your business . With the prime location and needed amenities, we promise to elevate your business to new heights. Whether you seek a peaceful retrea, building for rent in Battaramula have something to offer everyone.

Rent Rs. 1,000,000 (Per Month )
Rent will consider in floor by floor

Strategic location-
New Kandy Road
Thalahena ,Battaramulla
(Facing New Kandy Road)

Land extent - 20 perches
Frontage 38 feet
Surface area
Ground floor -
3610 square feet (100x36)
Parking facilities for 15 vehicles(currently used for office work)
4 vehicles can be parked in

First Floorsquare feet

Second Floor -3350 square
Third Floorsquare feet
Fourth Floor -3350 square feet

Other essential facilities

A) 6 feet parapet wall and safety front gate
B) Electricity- bulk supply with transformer, alternating current-3 phase, 50Hz,230/240Volts
C)Water supply-
4000L water storage overhead tank and 2000L pump
D)Fire protection system with fire insurance
E) Tempered glass doors and tempered fixed glasses
F) Male and female- separate washrooms for each floor
G) Separate washroom for minor staff.
E) Separate exit for emergency situations.

We do have Many Other properties which might be convenient for your requirements in Colombo.

If you are interested, feel free to send us a simple text mentioning your requirements. We are always happy to help you, Absolutely for FREE

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T&S Capital Agent
T S Capital : 94-766787070

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Posted/Edited: 156 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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