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45 Acre Estate for Lease: Prime Property in Akurassa CM2959

10000 sq.ft.
Rs. 2,245,000
Per Month


Property Type
Floor area
10000 sq.ft.
Agent Ref
Available Now
Price per sq.ft.
Rs. 225 Per Month

Property Details

45 Acre Estate for Lease: Prime Property in Akurassa

Location: Conveniently located just 12 minutes from the highway and a short 20-minute drive to Weligama beach.

Property Highlights:
- An Original Bungalow Bava style home boasting 5 spacious bedrooms, each with its own en suite.
- A new three-storey building, currently 80% complete, adds further value with an additional 9 bedrooms.
- Totaling 14 bedrooms.

Lucrative Opportunities Await:
- Take advantage of the estate's agricultural potential, with tea, cinnamon, and pepper crops offering a promising source of income.
- Anticipate substantial returns, with cinnamon crops projected to yield between 7.5 to 10 million, alongside bell crops estimated at 5 million.

Lease Terms and Pricing:
- Secure a long-term lease spanning 5-10 years.
- Expected sum for the entire property is : USD 7,500 / month.
- Only only the bungalow area, USD 4,750/month.

For more information or to schedule a viewing, contact property consultant Nishadi

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73 Avenue Realtors (Pvt) Ltd - Century 21 Sri Lanka Agent
Nishadi : 94-763607373

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Posted/Edited: 138 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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73 Avenue Realtors (Pvt) Ltd - Century 21 Sri Lanka Agent

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