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Safe, Secured Cleaned 3,000 SQFT Warehouse Space I for Rent in wellampitiya Only 20 feet container accessible

3000 sq.ft.
Rs. 195,000  ($ 647)
Per Month


Property Type
Floor area
3000 sq.ft.
Agent Ref
Available Now
Price per sq.ft.
Rs. 65 Per Month

Property Details

Safe, Secured Cleaned 3,000 SQFT Warehouse Space I for Rent in wellampitiya
Only 20 feet container accessible

Available now

Rent | ref: PID450
 AT Wellampitiya inside the warehouse complex
 3 km to Colombo city limit
 8.5 km from Colombo Ports
 Good conditioned Warehouses
 3000 SQFT Warehouse space (Racking Possible)
 200 Sqft 360 view Office Space rooms toilet
 Mac foil roofing
 Hight Clearance Lowest 23 feets Highest 35 feets
 Single floor Open Space warehouse
 fiber glass roofing for daylight
 20’ ’ feet container access
 1-gates
 No oading bay
 Ample open parking space
 Guaranteed flood free
 ISO Standard
 Office Staff Toilet –
 Forklift Charging point & Ventilators
 Fire Caution system
 CCTV Camara Provisons
 Security room & Quarters & washroom facility
 Lighing system
 Ideal for Any Commercial or storage
 Highly industrial Zone
 Rentel Rs.65 /= per SQFT
 A-Mart Properties

Please Contact Althaf A-Mart Properties “ Your partner in Real Estate”

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Principals n Genuine Buyers only
Strictly No Brokers!!!!

#SriLanka #Warehouse #Wellampitiya #Peliyagoda #RealEstate #CommercialProperty #Kelaniya #Property #Logistics #warehouse_rent #showroom #Factory #Warehouse_for_sale #Buy #Sell #Rent #SriLankanProperty #floweroad #boizone #building #officespace #A_mart_properties #althaf2508 #industrial_zone #realestate #realtor #realestateagent #home #property #forsale #investment #realtorlife #househunting #dreamhome #perch #galleroad #newhome #luxuryrealestate #house #homesweethome #architecture #factory #realestateinvesting #realestatelife #realty #business #sale #sold #realestateinvestor #land #broker #20000sqft #justlisted #althaf

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