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Find a dedicated desk in Regus World Trade Centre - Fort

Level 26, East Tower, World Trade Center, Echelon Square, Colombo 0010, Colombo 1
323 sq.ft.
Rs. 84,950
Per Month


Property Type
Office space
Floor area
323 sq.ft.
Min. lease term
1 Months
Agent Ref
Available Now
Price per sq.ft.
Rs. 263 Per Month
Short term

Property Details

Get to work among a like-minded community in our shared office space. Our coworking spaces are designed with collaboration in mind and come with all the details taken care of. Reserve a dedicated desk or drop in and hot-desk and open your business up to new possibilities.

Focus on your business in the distinctive World Trade Centre, right at the heart of Columbo’s bustling central business district. Join major banks and government offices in this prime location, easily accessible via a network of major roads, perfect for hosting guests.

Inspire new thinking, with panoramic harbour and city views through floor-to-ceiling windows from the 26th and 34th floors of this modern office space. Entertain clients in style with some fine cuisine at the many restaurants in walking distance.

Regus Coworking includes:
• Access to our global network with thousands of locations worldwide
• Highly trained reception and support team
• Secure, business-grade technology and WiFi
• Printers and access to admin support
• Cleaning, utilities and security
• Desk space available by the hour, day or month
• Choice between open-plan space or a shared office
• Option to take a dedicated desk reserved for you
• Regular networking and community events
• Easy booking and account management via our app

All images shown in this listing belong to our locations but may not correspond to this specific centre.

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Level 26, East Tower, World Trade Center, Echelon Square, Colombo 0010, Colombo 1    [View on large map]

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Igor Burdylenko Agent
IWGD Hotline : 94-117555077

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Posted/Edited: 131 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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Igor Burdylenko Agent

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