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Open plan office space for 15 persons in Regus Bambalapitiya

2nd Floor McLaren's Building, No 123, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo, Colombo 4
1292 sq.ft.
Rs. 639,700
Per Month


Property Type
Shop space
Floor area
1292 sq.ft.
Min. lease term
1 Months
Agent Ref
Available Now
Price per sq.ft.
Rs. 495 Per Month
Short term

Property Details

Open plan office space for 15 persons available on flexible terms, so you can add space or even move location – wherever you need to be.

Surround your business with major global companies in the McLaren's Building. Commute to the financial capital of Sri Lanka with ease, thanks to the convenient Bambalapitya train station just 500-metres away, and several bus services nearby.

Network with likeminded professionals on the outdoor terrace and soak up the 2nd floor views from this modern office space. After work, take a short walk to the Majestic Shopping Centre for some retail therapy or visit the famous Galle Face Green.

Make a home for your business with 100 sqm of open plan office space in Regus location, ideal for 15 employees. Our large offices are fully serviced and have everything taken care of - from the furniture to the high-speed WiFi - so you can focus on driving your business forward.
Find flexible office space for rent for as little as a day or stay for longer and personalise your space to suit the unique needs of your business.

Regus Open Plan Offices include:
• Access to our global network with thousands of locations worldwide
• Highly trained reception and support team
• Secure, business-grade technology and WiFi
• Printers and access to admin support
• Cleaning, utilities and security
• Desk space available by the hour, day or month
• Regular networking and community events
• Easy booking and account management via our app
• Customisable and flexible layouts
• Scale up or move locations to suit your needs
• High-quality ergonomic furniture
• Additional access to 120 sqm of shared workspace
• Pricing starts atRs

All images shown in this listing belong to our locations but may not correspond to this specific centre.

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2nd Floor McLaren's Building, No 123, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo, Colombo 4    [View on large map]

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Igor Burdylenko Agent
IWGD Hotline : 94-117555077

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Posted/Edited: 96 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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Igor Burdylenko Agent

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