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Find a professional address for your business in Regus Bernards Business Park

2nd Floor, Bernards Business Park, No 106, Dutugemunu Street, Dehiwela, Dehiwala
100 sq.ft.
Rs. 17,900
Per Month


Property Type
Office space
Floor area
100 sq.ft.
Min. lease term
1 Months
Agent Ref
Available Now
Price per sq.ft.
Rs. 179 Per Month
Short term

Property Details

Build your business presence fast, with an instant professional company address and the virtual office services you need. Choose from thousands of locations to position your business wherever you need to be.

Join a vibrant community of designers and IT professionals in Bernards Business Park. Strategically located in Dehiwela, with easy access to central Colombo and nearby Bandaranaike International Airport, this well-connected workspace puts your business in the heart of a lively commercial district.

Welcome clients into a modern, 2nd floor workspace where the light-flooded business lounge provides a relaxed setting for business conversations. When it’s time for lunch, simply head downstairs and you’ll find some of the city’s best local eateries right on your doorstep.

Regus Virtual Office includes:
• Options ranging from local business address to telephone numbers and workspace access
• Professional receptionists to greet guests
• 24/7 customer support
• Regular networking and community events
• Mail forwarding on daily, weekly or ad hoc basis
• Choice of regional or national phone number
• Professional call answering service
• Administrative support
• Access to office or coworking space as and when needed
• Pricing starts at 17900 Rs

All images shown in this listing belong to our locations but may not correspond to this specific centre.

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2nd Floor, Bernards Business Park, No 106, Dutugemunu Street, Dehiwela, Dehiwala    [View on large map]

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Igor Burdylenko Agent
IWGD Hotline : 94-117555077

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Posted/Edited: 131 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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Igor Burdylenko Agent

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