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Dynasty Residencies In Kandy - 1 Bedroom Apartment For Rent

Dynasty Residencies - Kandy
800 sq.ft.
Rs. 210,000  ($ 700)
Per Month


Property Type
Floor area
800 sq.ft.
Bills included ?
Min. lease term
6 Months
Agent Ref
Available Now
Price per sq.ft.
Rs. 263 Per Month
Car parking spaces
Furnishing Status
Short term

Property Details

Please contact krishantha Bandara for more details

Dynasty Residencies In Kandy - 1 Bedroom Apartment For Rent

An iconic residential fully furnished apartment for Rent at “Dynasty Residence”- the first high-end lifestyle apartment building built in Kandy conforming to International standards with advanced construction engineering designs to provide healthy & safer living.

Dynasty Residencies is located in the sacred ancient capital city of Sri Lanka, 'Kandy' and offers an unrivaled high-end eco-friendly lifestyle experience, with every corner leading to a magnificent visual experience with nature's greens, browns and blue hues.

Kandy has a unique geographical positioning, reachable by train, air and overland transport

Dynasty Residence is just 4 kilometers away from the heart of Kandy and just minutes away from the upcoming Colombo-Kandy express highway, allowing you quick access to the Pinnawala elephant sanctuary, historically valued Kandy Museum and the temple of Scared Tooth Relic Sri Dalada Maligawa Temple and many more popular tourist attractions.

A lifestyle that promises to blend the regal grandeur of an ancient kingdom.

Sun sets over the spectrum on the horizon by the Mahaweli river with the spaticuler view of Knuckle's mountain range, it's tranquility. A treat for your souls to rejuvenate.

Rooftop garden allows residence to relish their minds and body to practice meditation and yoga for a spiritual well being.

In detail,

- Spacious living & dining area with 800 sq ft
- Large bedroom that can accommodate two beds
- fully air conditioned
- Private balcony
- Equipped kitchen with pantry
- Fully furnished with untouched home appliance.
- Unlimited gas supply to the kitchen
- 24/7 uninterrupted electricity supply with backup generator.
- Fiber optics high-speed internet
- Designated parking slot
- Hot water
- Sophisticated safety alarm system (fire/gas)
- Guest management system.
- Separate private entrance
- Infinity pool, lap pool & kiddies pool
- Fully equipped spacious gymnasium
- Rooftop jogging track with spaticuler view.
- Visitor parking slots
- Club house and large multi-purpose function rooms (can accommodate 100+guests)
- Resident doctor with inhouse medical assistance team for 24/7 medical emergency support.
- Large BBQ area
- Business center
- Inhouse mini market.

Rent is 210,000/- Per month

Please contact Krishantha Bandara for more details

Property Features


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Century 21 Sri Lanka Agent
Krishantha Bandara : 94-767610692

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Posted/Edited: 22 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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