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Charming Hotel for rent in Jaffna

Keerimalai Road, Seerani Junction, Sandilipay - 600098, Jaffna
2000 sq.ft.


Property Type
Floor area
2000 sq.ft.
Available Now

Property Details

Charming Hotel for Rent in Jaffna – Prime Location Near Tourist Attractions

Location: PXVP+3GR, Keerimalai Road, Seerani Junction (Front D.S Office, Sandilipay 40098, Jaffna

Property Overview:
A prime opportunity to rent a fully-equipped hotel in Jaffna, located near major tourist attractions and offering all the amenities needed to provide a comfortable stay for guests.

Amenities and Services:

Multi-cuisine Restaurant: Located on the ground floor, offering diverse dining options.
Laundry Services: Laundry service and washing machine available (charges apply).
Tea and Coffee Facilities: Kettle available for tea preparation.
Parking: Free ample parking space for cars, vans, and buses.

In-Room Features:
Flat-screen TVs
Most rooms have air-conditioning
Deluxe family room with a water heater

Room Types:
Deluxe Family Air-conditioned Room (4 Pax)
Family Room Air-conditioned (4 Pax)
Double Room with Extra Bed Air-conditioned (3 Pax)
Double Room Air-conditioned (2 Pax)
Single Room Air-conditioned (1 Pax)
Single Room Non Air-conditioned (1 Pax)
Meeting & Dining Non Air-conditioned Room (15 Pax)
Guest House for Groups with a Cooking Facility

Nearby Tourist Attractions:

Jaffna International Airport
Jaffna Main Bus Stand
Jaffna Railway Station
Harbor (Ferry Service to India)
Kantharodai Archaeological Monument
Maruthanarmadam Farmer's Market
Dambakolapatuna Sangamiththa Temple
Keerimalai Naguleswaram Temple
Jaffna Archaeological Museum
Nallur Kandaswamy Kovil
Jaffna Market, Fort & Public Library
King Sangiliyan's Minister's House
Casuarina Beach
Sakkotai Cape, Point Pedro
Neduntivu (Delft Island)
Nagadeepa Temple / Nainativu Amman Temple (42.8 km)
Sakkotai Cape, Point Pedro
Nagadeepa Temple / Nainativu Amman Temple (60 km)

Transportation Services:

Available on Request: Airport shuttle, car rental, and other transportation services can be arranged.
For more details or to schedule a viewing, please contact us

Don’t miss out on this excellent opportunity to manage a well-located hotel in Jaffna!

Property Features


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Keerimalai Road, Seerani Junction, Sandilipay - 600098, Jaffna    [View on large map]

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