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Warehouse for rent in Sapugaskanda for Rs. 4.60 million (Per Month)

70000 sq.ft.
Rs. 4,600,000
Per Month


Property Type
Floor area
70000 sq.ft.
Available Now
Price per sq.ft.
Rs. 66 Per Month

Property Details

70,000 Sq. Ft. High-Quality Warehouse for Rent in Sapugaskanda

Property Details:

Location: Sapugaskanda, 16 KM from the Port
Warehouse Size: 70,000 sq. ft.
Land Extent: 2 acres
This spacious and well-maintained warehouse is available for rent in Sapugaskanda, just 16 kilometers from the port, making it ideal for logistics and distribution operations. The warehouse is designed for efficient and secure operations with features that include:

Container Accessibility: The facility allows for easy movement of 40 ft containers inside, ensuring smooth logistics and operations.

Construction: Equipped with a concrete roof and floor, offering durability and safety for stored goods.

Access: The property features a separate entrance and exit for streamlined access and operations.

Security and Staff Facilities:

2 security office rooms for enhanced safety.
Staff office room to accommodate administrative tasks.
6 washrooms for convenience.
A lunch room for staff.
Industrial Equipment: The warehouse includes a 2,000 kg industrial lift to handle heavy loads efficiently.

Infrastructure: The property is equipped with a transformer and ceiling for added operational capacity.

This warehouse is perfect for businesses requiring substantial storage space and robust infrastructure.

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Gob Muru Agent
Gob Muru : 94-776296895
Gob Muru : 94-743843586

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Posted/Edited: 26 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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