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Office space for rent in Colombo 10 for Rs. 1.90 lakhs (Per Month)

Colombo 10 off Norris Canal Road
1100 sq.ft.
Rs. 190,000
Per Month


Property Type
Office space
Floor area
1100 sq.ft.
No. of floors
Available Now
Price per sq.ft.
Rs. 173 Per Month
Car parking spaces

Property Details

Discover the perfect office space in a modern, purpose-built commercial building just 8 years old. Say goodbye to the hassles of older properties and enjoy peace of mind in this well-maintained, contemporary environment.

Key Features:

Ideal Location: Just a short walk from Maradana Railway Station, Asiri Hospital, General Hospital, and major bus routes, offering unbeatable convenience for your team and clients.
Modern Amenities: The building is fully air-conditioned with regular preventative maintenance, ensuring a comfortable working environment year-round.
Security: Equipped with CCTV for 24/7 surveillance, providing a secure space for your business.
Facilities: Includes separate restrooms for ladies and gents, a pantry area, a boardroom, and a cubicle. The layout is flexible, allowing you to customize the space to fit your business needs.
Additional Perk: Enjoy access to a rooftop area, perfect for breaks or informal meetings.
This is a unique opportunity to rent a ground-floor office in a strategic location, ideal for businesses looking to thrive in a professional and convenient setting.

Property Features


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Ajith Perera Owner
Ajith Perera : 94-727608866
Ajith Perera : 94-728824865

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Posted/Edited: 17 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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Ajith Perera Owner

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