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House & Retail Building for Sale in Matale

2473 sq.ft.
Rs. 77,500,000  ($ 200,000)


Property Type
Floor area
2473 sq.ft.
No. of floors
Area of land
13.7 perches
Agent Ref
Available Now
Car parking spaces

Property Details

Location: Matale | Matale District
13.7 Perches + Single Storey House + Retail Building | 77.5 Million (Negotiable)

මාතලේ නගරයට සමීපව පිහිටි නිවස සමඟ දෙමහල් ව්‍යාපාරික ගොඩනැගිල්ල වහාම විකිණීමට... | නිවස කාමර 4, නාන කාමර 2 | අංගසම්පූර්ණ ව්‍යාපාරික ගොඩනැගිල්ල, කඩ කාමර 2යි, වර්ග අඩි 2473 | ඉඩම පර්චස් 13.7 | රු. මිලියන 77.5

A dual purpose property with wide access roads for sale in the mountain town of Matale. This conveniently placed piece of real estate consists of a well maintained, traditional Sri Lankan house and a new two storey retail building. The house is spacious with four bedrooms and two bathrooms, with one having hot water. The retail building is complete with a kitchen and a bathroom with tiled floors. Being located on a wide carpeted road, and only a less than kilometre from the town, this is a financially viable investment. Ever growing area with tourist aspirations, and the returns are high for a forward thinking investor.

Property Details:

• Land Size: 13.7 Perches
• Building: Single Storey House + 2 Storey Retail Building, 2473 Sq.ft, Tiled and Cemented Floors
• House: Single Storey House, 1424 Sq.ft, 4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms (1 Bathroom Has Hot Water), Kitchen with Pantry, Living Area, Dining Area, Tiled and Cemented Floors
• Garden: Boundary Walls with Gate, 2 Vehicles Parking Space
• Building: 2 Storey Building, 1049 Sq.ft, Open Area, Wash Room, Kitchen and Tiled Floors (Can be used as 2 shops at least)
• Ground Floor: 403 Sq.ft, Kitchen and Open Area
• First Floor: 645 Sq.ft, Wash Room and Open Area
• Extras: Main Line Water, Electricity Connections (Three Phase), 3 Overhead Water Tanks (1500L*3 – 1 for House and Others for Building)
• Parking: 4 Vehicle Parking Spaces for Retail Building (Additional street parking available)
• Access Roads: Wide Carpeted Access Road
• Deed: Clear Deeds

Location & Features:

• Only 650 m to Kandy-Jaffna Highway
• Only 850 m to Matale town
• Walking distance to bus stops
• 1.1 km to Matale railway station
• Major Schools and preschools within 1 km distance
• Close proximity to supermarkets, banks, government offices etc.
• Only 850m to General Hospital - Matale
• Gateway to many tourist attractions, including Riverstone and Knuckles range

Ideal For:

• A peaceful living space with additional rental income
• A businessman needing residential and retail space
• Building a tourist lodge

Call/ WhatsApp/ Email for more information, photos and to book an inspection. (Virtual inspections are available via video calls.)

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