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Waterfront Eco Naturte Resort - Kithulgala

4000 sq.ft.
Rs. 48,000,000


Property Type
Floor area
4000 sq.ft.
Available Now
Price per sq.ft.
Rs. 12,000

Property Details

The place where the earth meets heaven – Canyon Girankittha Kithulgala

This glorious property is situated in the hills of kithulgala, just 5km off Malwatta Road Dunukadeniya. Right In the town of kithulgala. It is accessible for anything, supermarkets, grocery shops, hardware shops convenient to banks and pharmacy. As this property location is very close to the adventure sports canters, and Other hotels leisure resorts this is in the perfect stretch of tourism. Along the visibility of hotels and bungalows.

* Total 7 acres of property one square block.

* 1 acre of it is an Island covered with gigantic trees and water running between it which is included in the deed.

* 12ft wide road access to the land

* Supply of electricity & water is available

* Clear tiles and deeds

* Plantation of Ceylon spices and tropical fruits of different varieties

* Over 100 Endemic species, various types of birds and reptiles

* Natural caves and tunnels

* Various types of rocks and crystals are found in this property

* Over 200 years old trees and plants of ayurvedic medicines can be found

* Bordering is the forest land of over 1500 acres so its highly private and confidential

* As you enter the property its like a different part of the world as if you’re living in the ancient times of cave men.

* This magnificent property is bordering the water stream Girankitha oya. This property has more than 20 natural water pools with crystal clear water shining away, these natural pools will melt you in no time with its comfort and beauty.

*It is located in one of the most prominent hills of kithulgala area very much identical to Ella. With heights and a hike of over 350m with the view of large mountains through the tallest trees, Kithugala is the next booming tourism destination in Sri Lank which will soon be in the books of lonely planet worldwide.

This has a spectacular waterfront of over 200 meters and a wide view along the stream facing the entire block of land at different levels and heights with humongous rocks crawling down the lake. 250 meters hike from the stream level with greater view of mountain valleys which brings an extra beauty to this piece of property with elegance very much similar to Ella.

This property holds naturally set large boulder caves and amazing set up of boulder structures along the stream, highlighting the features of Ravana times. Other side of the stream is bordering to 1500 acres of the forest land with pure greenery and incredible freedom. As it has a rich mix of endemic flora and fauna from all over the Island.

This property has many valuable natural resources that cannot be put into simple words.

This property will be an eye opener for tourism in Sri Lanka.

This land is mostly suitable for:-


•Ayurvedic tourism

•Retreat & Meditation centres

•Meditation & relaxation hotels

•Spa Wellness & retreat centre

•Yoga retreat centre

•Leisure & Water sports hotel projects

•Private bungalows for holiday homes

•spices and tropical fruit plantations

•Investment for long term

•Any individual who is interested in a magnificent private holiday home

•Asapu Temples, ashram, recreation canters

Explore Neighbourhood - Map View

Kithulgala    [View on large map]

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Rs. 417,823 /month

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*For a 20-year term with a 14% fixed interest rate, using the equated balance payment method.

By obtaining a Home Loan through our banking partners

*For a 20-year term with a 14% fixed interest rate, using the equated balance payment method.

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