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Brand New Commercial Building For Sale in Kotte

Ethul Kotte
8200 sq.ft.
Rs. 325,000,000


Property Type
Floor area
8200 sq.ft.
No. of floors
Agent Ref
Available Now
Price per sq.ft.
Rs. 39,634
Car parking spaces

Property Details

Location: Ethul Kotte | Colombo District
17 Perches + Four Storey Building + 2 storey utility building | 325 Million

කෝට්ටේ අලුතින් ඉදිකල මහල් හතරකින් සමන්විත අගනා ව්‍යාපාරික ගොඩනැගිල්ල වහාම විකිණීමට | සියලුම නාගරික පහසුකම් වලට නුදුරින්… | රජයේ කාර්‍යාල ස්ථානයන්ට සමීපව…| වර්ග අඩි 8200 | ඉඩම පර්චස් 17 | රු.මිලියන 325

This four storey commercial building for sale in Kotte is a state of the art facility which has never been occupied. The building comes with open spaces on each floor and washrooms on the first three floors. The property comes with a two storey utilities building which has two dining areas, open pantry, two washrooms and a servant room with an attached bathroom. The property has all facilities required for a modern office or showroom including a private transformer, CCTV camera system, an elevator and ten to twelve vehicle parking spaces. With main road frontage the property is suited for any application, which requires high crowd exposure. Being located inside the capital suburb and just minutes away from the parliament, government offices and Colombo city limit this commercial building for sale in Kotte could be the place you were searching for, as an organization. Reach to us on phone, whatsapp, messenger to view it now..

Property Details:

• Land size: 17 perches
• Building: 8200 sq.ft, four storey building + 2 storey utility building, open spaces with 5 washrooms, dining area, security room with attached bathroom, tiled floors and never been occupied
• Ground Floor: Open space, 1 washroom
• First Floor: Open space,1 washroom and built with mezzanine style
• Second floor: Hall area, 1 washroom
• Third floor: Open space
• 2 storey utility building setup below..
• Ground floor - open pantry, dining area, and 2 washrooms
• First floor - dining area, servant room with attached bathroom
• Utilities: Mainline electricity connection (3 phase electricity with private transformer), mainline water connection, overhead water tanks (2000l),CCTV camera system with 12 Cameras, 6 person elevator
• Garden: Garden with boundary walls and 10-12 vehicles ample parking space
• Access Roads: 40ft wide access road
• Deeds: Clear Deeds

Location & Features:

• Facing Kotte main road
• 1 km to Ethul Kotte junction
• Walking distance to bus stops
• 3.3 km to Battaramulla town
• Only 10 minutes drive to Colombo city limit
• 500 m to supermarkets
• 4.7 km to Sri Jayewardenepura General Hospital
• 10.3 km to Athurugiriya highway interchange
• 800 m to banks
• All government offices and facilities within short distance

Ideal For:

• A commercial property
• An investment opportunity

Call/ WhatsApp/ Email for more information, photos and to book an inspection. (Virtual inspections are available through video calls.)

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Real Mark Property (Pvt) Ltd Agent
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Posted/Edited: 38 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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