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Hotel for sale in Nuwara Eliya for Rs. 420 million - Code Add 176

Nuwara Eliya
15000 sq.ft.
Rs. 420,000,000


Property Type
Floor area
15000 sq.ft.
Agent Ref
add 176
Available Now
Price per sq.ft.
Rs. 28,000

Property Details

HOTEL FOR SALE IN NUWRA ELIYA with Nice Views around ( water fall , mountain range and greenery)
130 Perch
16 Rooms (Double , triple and family with balconies )
420 M LKR ( 42 Crores ,lacks , koti 42 )
Restaurant 30 seating
No function hall or Banquet - can develop - space is available
Elevated place with nice greenery views around plus a water fall
Parking 20 cars in sight plus in the road
Wide access roads
Staff quarters and drivers quarters
15 000 sqft
Banks acceptable deeds
Enough space available for further constructions ( occupancy of the hotel is 30 % of the land at the moment)
10 Minutes walking to Nice places and for all the facilities
Contact me for more Hotels and Villas in Nuwara Eliya
(And also for Tea Estates , Tea factories , lands , houses , villas and Bungalows )
Pls note : Added photograph of the room is not actual

Contact me for details and for more similar opportunities

ලංකාවේ ඕනෑම ප්‍රදේශයකින් : ඉඩම් , හෝටල , විලා , නවීන නිවාස, පෞරාණික නිවාස , වලව්, බංගලා සහ වතුපිටි සදහා විමසන්න
මුහුද , ගග , විල , කලපුව ආශ්‍රිතව
කුබුරු , හරිත ප්‍රදේශ , උස් ප්‍රදේශ , තැනිතලා ප්‍රදේශ , වාණිජ ප්‍රදේශ ආශ්‍රිතව
වාණිජ ගොඩනැගිලි , කර්මාන්ත ශාලා හෝ සදහා අවශ්‍ය ඉඩම්
වගා කල ශ්‍රී ඉඩම් , වගාවන්ට සුදුසු ඉඩම්
Hotels , Villas ,Bungalows restaurants ,guest houses ,
Antique and colonial house
River front , Lake front , Beach front
sea view , beach side, green views lands and properties
Cultivated wathupiti etc

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Posted/Edited: 212 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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