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Star range over 50 rooms Luxury Hotel for Sale in Nuwara Eliya town Near Golf Club & Jawing St Andrews Hotel..

at the town, Nuwara Eliya
45000 sq.ft.
Rs. 700,000,000  ($ 2,162,600)


Property Type
Floor area
45000 sq.ft.
Agent Ref
Available Now
Price per sq.ft.
Rs. 15,556
Age of Building
5+ years

Property Details

Luxury Star range Hotel for Sale in Nuwara Eliya town Near Golf Club & Jawing St Andrews Hotel..

 SALE Ref Hotel-10
 Central Province
 Nuwara Eliya
 At the Nuwaraeliya City
 located in a beautifully surrounded 66 Perch property of manicured lawns and tropical gardens Surrounding Golf Club & few star Range hotels..
 Star Range Hotel
 Tourist board approved
 66 perch Property
 55 Luxurious rooms including 6 mini Lobies 12 Family Rooms, 6 Triple rooms and 26 Doubles Rooms
Breakdown details as follows,
 66 perch land
 12 family rooms
 6 triple rooms
 26 double rooms
 main lobby with reception
 Banquet Hall
 9 mini lobbies
 2 rooms for the ayurvedic spa
 laundry hall
 office space for accounts
 main stores
 sub store room
 generator and waste water treatment plant room
 3 driver room
 1 staff room
 1 mangers office
 1 main restaurant (Can be saved 150 pcks)
 1 cafeteria
 4 common bathroom
 2 staff bathroom
 2 elevators
 Sale Price Rs.700 million ONO - Negotiable
 A Mart Properties

In the center of the mystified secrets of nature surrounded by the perfect breezed mountains, which claims the serenity of Nuwaraeliya is ideal for exploring , feeling enjoying and at last relaxing at this Hotel is a completion of satisfaction. Where they Providing execlent service and quality to ensure their guest comfort and care.. which they have made their mission to be the best in hospitality,

Please do not hesitate to contact us for more details & pictures of this Property

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Principals n Genuine Buyers only
Strictly No Brokers!!!!

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at the town, Nuwara Eliya    [View on large map]

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