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Beach front villa with bar and restaurant - LIP 356

Southern Province, Galle
900 sq.ft.
Rs. 212,482,300  ($ 650,000)


Property Type
Floor area
900 sq.ft.
Area of land
21 perches
Available Now

Property Details

LIP-356 Welcome to TALPE, a beautiful coastal town in the south of Sri Lanka. Nestled along the pristine shores of the Indian Ocean, we are delighted to present to you this stunning beachfront villa with a bar and restaurant.

This colonial luxury villa showcases magnificent Dutch-inspired architecture that perfectly blends with the natural beauty of its surroundings. As you step inside, prepare to be mesmerized by the breathtaking ocean views that greet you from every corner of the property.

Spread across 21 perches of land, this exquisite villa offers a spacious and comfortable living experience. With a total of four rooms, including two triple rooms and two double rooms, there is ample space to accommodate family and friends. Each room boasts a luxurious king-sized bed, ensuring a restful sleep during your stay. The attached bathrooms feature rain showers, adding a touch of indulgence to your daily routine. Additionally, all bedrooms are air-conditioned with ceiling fans, providing a cool oasis on warm tropical days.

The rooms are tastefully furnished with a combination of luxury decor and antique pieces, creating an atmosphere that is as inviting as it is visually pleasing. Every detail has been carefully considered to ensure both comfort and aesthetics, making your stay truly memorable.

Outside, the property features a refreshing plunge pool, perfect for a quick dip to cool off during hot afternoons. Additionally, you'll find a beautiful beachfront restaurant, café, and bar area where you can enjoy delectable cuisine and refreshing beverages while taking in the stunning ocean vistas. Whether you're lounging by the pool, enjoying a meal, or sipping cocktails at sunset, this beachfront haven offers the ultimate relaxation experience.

If you're seeking a luxury beachfront villa that combines colonial charm with modern comforts, then look no further. This property presents a unique opportunity to own a piece of paradise in one of Sri Lanka's most sought-after locations.

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Southern Province, Galle    [View on large map]

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