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8 Bedroom bungalow for sale in Kandy for Rs. 115 million (Total)

3700 sq.ft.
Rs. 115,000,000  (€ 350,000)


Property Type
Floor area
3700 sq.ft.
No. of floors
Area of land
47 perches
Available Now
Age of Building
15+ years

Property Details

Luxury Bungalow for Sale: The Kandy Dawson Bungalow

Location : Kadugannawa , near historic landmarks and popular attractions.

Price: 115 Million Rupees

The Kandy Dawson Bungalow proudly stands as a testament to over 150 years of history, dating back to the British colonial era. Situated in the misty hills of Kadugannawa, this exquisite property spans 47 perches of land, featuring a three-story building meticulously crafted to preserve the old cottage style of the British Era while blending in modern amenities.

Property Highlights:

* Historical Charm: The bungalow retains its colonial charm, inspired by the tales of Captain Dawson, who resided nearby while constructing the Kandy-Colombo Road and the Kadugannawa pass of the Colombo-Ella Railway line.
* Spacious Accommodation: The property boasts eight tastefully furnished rooms, including a Deluxe Suite with a mountain view, a spacious family room, and newly completed double rooms, ensuring a comfortable stay for guests. Rooms range from 24 to 30 sqm and are equipped with air conditioning, hot water, and attached bathrooms.
* Modern Amenities: Features include a kitchen, laundry area, keeper's room, dining room, generator, lounge, and reception.
* Unique Features: A year-round non-drying fountain well adds a touch of Sri Lankan village charm. The property also has a century-old giant blue bamboo tree in a lush garden.
* Expansion Potential: There is space allocated for two additional rooms and a potential pool, offering an excellent opportunity for further development.
* Prime Location: Positioned at the heart of the world-famous Colombo to Ella Railway and highway line, making it an ideal stop for travelers. It is close to the Kadugannawa Railway Museum, Kadugannawa town, Kandy Royal Botanic Gardens, and the Ceylon Tea Museum.
* Activities and Attractions: Guests can enjoy cycling, hiking, and visits to world-famous meditation centers, ancient temples, and historic ruins. Free parking is available.
* Highly Rated: The bungalow has received excellent reviews on Booking.com, reflecting its appeal and quality.
* This unique blend of history, comfort, and potential for further development makes the Kandy Dawson Bungalow a remarkable investment opportunity. The business name itself is worthy of millions, offering a prestigious legacy to its new owner.

Inspection: By appointment only.

Contact: Please email your expression of interest to Lanka Property Web with your contact details. Note that we have no brokers appointed for this sale. Calls to property staff numbers listed on Booking.com for sales inquiries will not be answered without prior approval.

Seize this opportunity to own a piece of colonial history, and contribute to the legacy of this magnificent masterpiece.

Property Features


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