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Luxurious Colonial Style Guest House for Sale in Kathaluwa - LIP 366

Southern Province, Kathaluwa
900 sq.ft.
Rs. 245,442,912  ($ 750,000)


Property Type
Floor area
900 sq.ft.
Area of land
1 acres
Available Now

Property Details

LIP-366 A charming and intimate colonial style guest house in Kathaluwa, Sri Lanka, located just a short 5-minute walk away from the beautiful Koggala Lake and the pristine beach. It is nestled on a 1 Acre piece of land which is fully walled and gated with secure parking facilities.

The guest house offers a three-story layout, providing a sense of spaciousness and tranquility. Six large bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms and two garden bungalows, complete this stunning 8-bedroom guest house.  All rooms are air conditioned and overlook either the private tropical gardens or swimming pool.

Furthermore, there is guest lounge area and open dining room, complete with a bar area, where guests can enjoy delicious meals and refreshing beverages. The fully-equipped kitchen is perfect for catering purposes, ensuring that all culinary needs are met.  The property has solar power water heating and has a back up generator when required.

A beautiful and well-maintained garden, featuring vibrant greenery and flourishing flowers and a 10 x 5-meter fresh water pool, offers a cool respite from the tropical heat.

Conveniently situated just 400 meters from the main road and the swimmable beach, this guest house is ideally located for those seeking both tranquility and accessibility. The world heritage Galle Fort is a mere 16 kilometers away, making it a must-visit destination for history enthusiasts.

With its proximity to various amenities, including restaurants, shops, and cultural sites, this guest house presents an excellent opportunity for investment and business growth.

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Southern Province, Kathaluwa    [View on large map]

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