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Multi purpose Commercial/Residential Building For Sale in Colombo 5

Colombo 5
16000 sq.ft.
Rs. 750,000,000


Property Type
Floor area
16000 sq.ft.
No. of floors
Available Now
Price per sq.ft.
Rs. 46,875
Car parking spaces
Age of Building
10+ years

Property Details

Currently used as a residence cum office building, this custom built building is completed with high grade finishes and ready for immediate occupancy. With a few small changes the entire building can be converted into a commercial building

- Total Floor Space - 16,000 sq ft
- Floor space excluding parking and rooftop - 11,700 sq ft
- Ground + 5 + rooftop
- Parking for 10 vehicles
- 11.55 perches
- Service Entrance and Emergency Staircase
- Schindler Elevator for all floors
- Balconies on all sides
- Strategically designed windows and openings for fantastic airflow and natural light
- Security System
- Fire Protection System
- Completely Air conditioned
- All approvals in hand

Breakdown by floor as follows

GROUND FLOOR - Parking / Generator / Security room / Electricity boards / Water Lines / Wash bay / 4 Gates / Staff Washroom / 2 Entrances to the property

1ST FLOOR - Open Floor currently used as an office space / 2,539 sq ft

2ND & 3RD FLOOR - Duplex Apartment / 4,789 sq ft / 3 bedrooms / 4 bathrooms / Dry & Wet Kitchen / Living and Dining area / Customized Bar/Lounge Room / internal staircase / Utility Area

4TH FLOOR - 2 Bedroom apartment / 2,205 sq ft / 2 bathrooms / Open Layout Living, Dining and Kitchen with island / Utility Area

5TH FLOOR - 2 Bedroom apartment / 2,205 sq ft / 2 bathrooms / Open Layout Living, Dining and Kitchen with island / Utility Area

6TH FLOOR - Open Rooftop Entertainment Area / 2,246 sq ft / Access to Water Tanks

Offers are welcome after viewing

Property Features


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