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Bedroom luxury hotel for sale on the exclusive beach of Kalamatiya CM2444

12000 sq.ft.
Rs. 325,000,000


Property Type
Floor area
12000 sq.ft.
Agent Ref
Available Now
Price per sq.ft.
Rs. 27,083
Car parking spaces

Property Details

Bedroom luxury hotel for sale on the exclusive beach of Kalamatiya

Superb Modern style sustainable eco friendly hotel with 7 luxurious bedroom suites arranged over 3 floors. The property sits on the beautiful lonely beach located on the Tangalle coast and has direct access to the golden sands and turquoise sea bordering the garden.

Property overview :

83.3 perches beach front property with lagoon view
Total floor area approximately 12,000 sq.ft. (04 floors)
06 bed rooms
01 Suite
01 Lounge
01 Dining area
01 Restaurant with ocean and lagoon view
01 Swimming pool, including Jaguzzi bench + separate baby pool
01 Swimming Pool pavilion
01 Cold kitchen
01 Hot Kitchen
24,000 Lts. Water storage capacity with pressure pumps, centric pumps & submersible pumps

Property Features:

CCTV surveillance coverage for the entire property
Passenger lift upto level 4
75 KW Backup generator
Entire property run on solar power
Gate and boundary wall in front
Right round security fence
Parking - 08 Vehicles
Staff accommodation
Driver's accommodation
Tropical garden
Level 2 Electric charging ports for vehicles

Expected Price : Rs 325 million

Property Features


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73 Avenue Realtors (Pvt) Ltd - Century 21 Sri Lanka Agent
Nishadi : 94-763607373

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Posted/Edited: 33 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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73 Avenue Realtors (Pvt) Ltd - Century 21 Sri Lanka Agent

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