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Brand New 2 Bedroom Apartment for Sale at Prime Grand Residencies, Colombo 7

Colombo 7
1200 sq.ft.
Rs. 145,000,000
Ready to move in


Property Type
Floor area
1200 sq.ft.
Agent Ref
Available Now
Price per sq.ft.
Rs. 120,833
Construction Status
Ready to move in

Property Details

Discover modern luxury living at its finest with this exquisite 2-bedroom apartment located in the heart of Colombo. Experience the perfect blend of convenience, elegance, and comfort at Prime Grand Residencies.

Apartment Highlights:
- 2 Bedrooms with separate assessment numbers for added privacy
- 2 Bathrooms designed for contemporary living
- Spacious 1200 sqft layout, thoughtfully crafted for comfort
- Inviting living and dining areas for a cozy atmosphere
- Well-appointed pantry kitchen for culinary enthusiasts
- Dedicated parking space is provided within the premises
- Positioned on the west side, above the 14th floor
- Access to a refreshing swimming pool and fully equipped gym
- Unfurnished, allowing you to personalize your space

Location Advantages:
- Within 5 minutes' reach of Banks and Government offices
- Proximity to International Schools for quality education
- An array of restaurants, cafes, and eateries in close proximity
- Grocery stores for daily essentials within easy reach
- Enjoy all conveniences at your doorstep
-Seize the opportunity to make Prime Grand Residencies your new address.

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Khane Properties Agent
Mass Cassiere : 94-756000100

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Posted/Edited: 40 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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